Successful Persuasion and Influence Skills Achieve Results
When you want to increase the results you seek, gain others’ confidence and trust, or empower yourself by becoming a more effective communicator, Dr. Robert Cialdini’s Keynotes will propel you to your goals. His customized in-person and virtual keynote presentations on how to use this powerful information ethically are combined with meaningful and memorable stories with valuable takeaways that move people to take action.
When we sell, present, negotiate, or communicate ethically and authentically, great things happen. People listen to us closely, trust us more, and buy our ideas. We develop strong, profitable relationships, our careers take off, and our communication skills transcend.
Dr. Robert Cialdini’s Most Popular Keynotes
Influence: The Ultimate Power Tool
Weaving compelling stories with evidence-based statistics makes this program memorable and immediately applicable. Here, Dr. Cialdini identifies and explains the seven universal principles of persuasion that move others toward “yes.” When used correctly and ethically, these scientifically tested principles produce lasting relationships and strong, long-term change.
(Suggested length 40-90 minutes)
After this presentation, learners will have the power to:

Pre-Suasion: Opening the Door to Persuasion
When your company needs that extra edge, understanding how to recognize and leverage that Moment of Power before a request can make a critical difference for your company’s sales, marketing, leadership and management.
In this program, Dr. Cialdini shines a light on effective persuasion and reveals that the secret doesn’t lie in the message itself, but in the key moment before that message is delivered. He will explain how to capitalize on the essential window of time before you deliver an important message, preparing people to be receptive to a message before they experience it. There’s an under-recognized moment of power that comes right before a request is made. What goes into that moment can have dramatic effects our persuasion attempts.
(Suggested length 40-90 minutes)
After this presentation, learners will have the power to:
- Recognize the highly effective piece of “psychological real estate” that exists right BEFORE your influence attempts
- Leverage the pre-suasive moment before a request is made through images, words, and situations that you structure
- Implant, pre-suasively, the most persuasive feature of your message into the consciousness of your audience
- Learn the simple 2-step process to boost your success through pre-suasion
- See how the truism “Timing is everything” applies to pre-suasion
- Arrange for audiences to focus on the aspect of your communication you most want them to register
- Recognize how Cialdini’s Principles incorporate the most effective individual persuasion tactics

Influence During Times of Uncertainty
During this profound presentation, Dr. Robert Cialdini briefly reviews seven research-based universal Principles of Influence, focusing on the principles that are most effective during conditions of uncertainty and ones that leaders can employ to bring about positive and lasting change among individuals located both inside and outside their organizations.
(Suggested length 60-90 minutes)
After this presentation, learners will have the power to:

Leadership through the Power of Persuasion
It is through the influence process that we lead, generate, and manage change. In his presentation, Dr. Robert Cialdini extracts from the Principles of Influence—those that are so powerful that they create desirable change in the broadest range of circumstances. He emphasizes non-manipulative use of the principles so that those who are influenced feel personally committed to the new direction and their relationship with the leader.
(Suggested length 60-90 minutes)
After this presentation, learners will have the power to:

About Dr. Robert Cialdini,
the “Godfather of Influence”
More than a scientist, more than a speaker, New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Robert Cialdini, is recognized worldwide for his foundational research and ethical applications in the psychology of influence. He is the author of the groundbreaking book, Influence, and President of INFLUENCE AT WORK®. He is widely regarded as the “Godfather of Influence” due to years of scientific research on the psychology of influence.

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