The September Public Principles of Persuasion (POP) Workshop was a huge success.
Recently, thirty smart and insightful people participated in the POP Workshop in the Phoenix area to learn how to ethically apply the Science of Influence in business. Our fearless trainer was Dr. Gregory Neidert, Director of Training for INFLUENCE AT WORK.
We all learned, laughed and experienced new material that taught us fresh methods to use the potent research of Dr. Robert Cialdini. We wish we could have heard your insights into this new material as well.
If you would like to join us for the next open to the public POP Workshop in September, our early bird deadline ends November 1st. This workshop has sold out for years. If your job includes the need to influence others inside or outside of your organization, join us this September so later you won’t have to hear, “We missed you!”.
Click here to See what you have been missing.
“I don’t see how any business can survive without this training” Ramon Diaz of DesignArounds
“These two days were extremely well spent! This workshop is the perfect mix of theory and practice – big ideas and real world application.” Daniel Pink, Author
“I would highly recommend this program to anyone seeking to improve their skills in ethical influence. So that means EVERYONE!” Will Brooks of The Brooks Group