Salvation Army badgeBy Bobette Gorden

Recently in Spokane, a single gift of two diamond rings and one sapphire ring were wrapped in a dollar bill and dropped in a Salvation Army kettle anonymously. One of the diamond rings alone was assessed to be valued between $2,000 and $5,000. This was a VERY generous donation.

The Salvation Army helps many people in many different ways. Most often, we see these bell-ringers at Christmas time outside of grocery stores, drugstores and malls. I often see people donate dollar bills as they pass by. And every dollar is appreciated. The level of this Spokane anonymous donation was stunning by comparison.

Who would have made this donation? And why? Some are saying that the person who doanted these rings did so to support the community.  That might be so, but those of us who are familiar with the Rule for Reciprocity will identify an additional and powerful motivator when reading the note the donor subsequently wrote.   It’s particularly satisfying to see this demonstration of the Rule for Reciprocity; especially because it is another example of how the need to reciprocate can last over many years.  Just as interesting is that the Salvation Army had never helped this donor personally, but years prior had helped the donor’s father.

For more interesting details read this article.

Questions For Discussion:

Do you know any examples of a favor or gift that was repaid long after the favor or gift was initially given?         

Have you ever felt obligated to repay a debt that someone close to you had incurred?

What has this Rule for Reciprocity ever made you do that you wouldn’t have otherwise done?

Please see/add comments below.

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